+212 667 843 337 Morocco4allofus@gmail.com

about us

 Hard working is our successful”  I am Addi  , Moroccan Berber  Saharian  man , I was born in the middle of the largest desert dunes in the south eastern of Morocco ,  as the  desert considered one of the attractive places in the world for foreigners,   plenty of tourists  come to discover such wonderful  amazing   landscape , these tourists  always become  our guests in our house  with my family,  by the occasion,  i have plenty of chances to practice , learn different languages  and share , show , discover our cultural aspects with them  when i was 6 years old . after that i went to school   and I  would study about tourism  since  and thinking how all these  foreigners  visit us !  I love tourism,  meet new faces and share my experiences. while i was   continuing studies about language  and tourism management,  i work as a tourist guide and professional driver  at the same  time for 10  years  in whole Morocco. after i finished  my studies i went to Marrakech  to  work as a manager in a travel agency . During  my tours  through Morocco,  I met an American lady who loves the work i am doing and we set together this travel  agence after having  such  great experience about all aspects of tourism, in addition ,  after we have a good partnership with many travel agenciss’ managers around the world especially Africa,  we  also organise  trips on the other bank of the ocean , example,  Turkey ,Egypt, Jordan  and Europe  …
now we provide circuits,  tours, excursions  ,day trips , picnics…,  and we organise events like birthdays, weddings, parties and any celebrations needing around Mama Africa with qualified  guides, drivers , services   .Good luck to everyone and  here we go next.

+212 667 843 337
